6 Rules of Tidying
In the KonMari Method™ there are SIX basic rules of tidying. Follow these rules to increase your chances for success in tidying up and getting your home and life in order!
Commit Yourself to Tidying Up
A tidying festival is not a quick fix organizing system or just tidying a little here and there. It will jumpstart the tidy new you! But, like any big change, it takes time, work and most importantly, dedication. Committing and staying consistent will push you toward your ultimate goals.
Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle
Remember, a tidying festival is not a quick fix. It is a turning point in your life to help you reach your ideal lifestyle. Envision how you want your home and how you want to spend time in it. Now write it down! No, seriously. Having your ideal lifestyle written down (or on a vision board) will give you the boost you need to complete your tidying festival. Begin with the end in mind!
Finish Discarding First
When following the KonMari Method™ we focus on what we want to keep, not what we want to get rid of. This is a stark contrast to other organizing methods. Although discarding is not our main focus, it is an important part of the process. Discard everything first before storing the items you are keeping so you can make room for what does bring you joy.
Remember if something does not spark joy, let it go with gratitude! Be grateful for the memories it gave you and for teaching you what you do not like. Take time to think about each item. This simple act will help you be more confident in the things you keep and more mindful of what you bring into your home in the future.
Tidy by Category, Not Location
This is so important! Most people organize a drawer here and there, or room by room. This just causes you to shuffle things around and never get truly organized. Plus it is hard to really know how many of an item you have if they are spread all over your house. When we organize by category we pull everything from the same category from everywhere in the home. This forces us to take stock of what we have so we can make better decisions about what we want to keep.
Follow the Right Order
Clothes, books, papers, komono (miscellany), and sentimental is the most effective and efficient order to tidy your home. This order starts with the easiest category and ends with the hardest. This allows you to hone your decision making skills, so the more emotional decisions don’t weigh on you and slow you down during your tidying festival. When you follow the right order you will be more confident in deciding if your belongings spark joy.
Ask Yourself if it Sparks Joy
Only YOU know what sparks joy for you! As you go through the tidying process hold each item and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?”. Pay attention to how you react and respond. Your body language is a powerful indicator of what brings you joy.
You can do this! I am here to help guide you through this process. Click here to get in touch!