A Tidy Blog
The KonMari Method™ and Minimalism: A Closer Look
Minimalism is a lifestyle where you declutter and intentionally live with fewer items, while the KonMari Method™ focuses on surrounding yourself with things that spark joy.
Discover the Magic of a Marie Kondo Organizing Consultant
The answer is simple: because transforming your space can transform your life.
5 Habits to Make Your Space More Tidy
Here are my top five tips that can help you keep your space tidy and organized.
6 Rules of Tidying
Follow these rules to increase your chances for success in tidying up and getting your home and life in order!
Ideal Lifestyle
Understanding what you want in life will help you make time for what is important to you.
How Long is a Tidying Festival?
While the amount of time can vary, I cannot stress enough how important it is to complete your tidying festival as quickly as possible.
What is a Tidying Festival?
Once you start your tidying festival you want to move as quickly and efficiently as possible.
What Does Spark Joy Mean?
To help us with that seemingly tricky decision, Marie encourages us to develop the ability to tell if something “sparks joy” in our life.
What is Konmari?
People often ask me what I do and I used to say, “I’m a Certified KonMari Consultant”. While that is technically true, most of the time it would get me a blank stare or a puzzled look!