As the holidays approach, many of us turn our thoughts to what we are thankful for. When we gather with family and friends it is customary to take turns expressing what we have been grateful for the past year. One thing I am so grateful for is the KonMari Method™!
The KonMari Method™ is all about deepening our sense of gratitude. We cherish the things we keep. We let go and discard things we no longer need and show them gratitude by literally saying “thank you!”.
Why do we show gratitude for things we are discarding?
If something no longer sparks joy, it has served its purpose. Even though we don’t want it, we can still be grateful for it. We can appreciate the time we had with it, the memories made. Perhaps, we are grateful that it taught us we don’t actually like it! For example (talking to my camo shirt), “Thank you for helping me realize, that I actually don’t like camo at all.”
“By acknowledging their contribution and letting them go with gratitude, you will be able to truly put the things you own, and your life, in order.”
—Marie Kondo
Expressing gratitude changes our whole outlook. The KonMari Method™ helps us hone our skill of knowing what sparks joy. In turn, it helps us better appreciate what we have!
When we have an attitude of gratitude it helps us feel more grounded and calm. It makes us more joyful. If you don’t believe me, try it! Express gratitude for everything: the clothes you have on, the computer or phone you are using, your car or public transportation, your home!
Marie Kondo greets her home everyday and challenges us to do the same! It might seem silly at first but there is power in positivity and showing gratitude for things around us. When we have a grateful outlook things seem easier.
Phrases to start with:
“Thank you home for giving me a refuge from the world.”
“Thank you shoes for supporting me and helping me be able to work on my feet all day.”
“Thank you sweater for keeping me warm.”
“Thank you hammer for helping me put up this family photo!”
"Thank you leaves for sounding crunchy when I walk on you."
There is beauty all around and many things to be grateful for on a daily, even hourly, basis. Let me help you reach your goals of maintaining not only a tidy home, but a tidy life. Let’s do this!