What is a Tidying Festival?
When you are ready to take the plunge and use the KonMari Method™ to organize your home we start a tidying festival. A tidying festival refers to tidying your entire home as quickly as possible. It is an exciting time filled with lots of decision making and joy checking. You will ask yourself “Does this spark joy?” to literally everything in your home!
This may sound daunting at first, but it comes with some truly life-changing benefits.
Before you get started you want to think about your ideal lifestyle. For example, how do you want your home to feel? I will discuss this process in more detail in a later post.
Once you determine your ideal lifestyle, the goal is to keep that in mind as you go through your tidying festival. Your ideal lifestyle will serve as a reminder of why you are going on this journey.
When using the KonMari Method™ we organize by category not location. Gone are the days of organizing room by room! Instead we work through five main categories. We do this so things don’t get shuffled around and just moved from room to room. It forces you to really understand what and how much you have of everything.
The five main categories are:
Komono (all the miscellany in the home)
Once you start your tidying festival you want to move as quickly and efficiently as possible. This will help you keep your momentum and not get discouraged. I’ve worked with clients who procrastinate and move slowly through the process and eventually fizzle out. I’ve also worked with clients who take their tidying festival seriously—they move steadily through the categories and get amazing results! These are the clients that reach their ideal lifestyle and find peace and joy in their homes.
If you are ready to start YOUR tidying festival, I’d love to chat!