How Long is a Tidying Festival?

How long does a tidying festival take?

The short answer is that it depends on how big your home is, how much stuff you have, and how many hours a day you are willing to dedicate to tidying.

While the amount of time can vary, I cannot stress enough how important it is to complete your tidying festival as quickly as possible. A tidying festival is also known as a tidying marathon. And like a long distance race it can be long, and at times grueling. But, as long as you are moving towards your goal you will feel empowered to continue and change your life for the better. Consistency is the key to avoiding burnout!

Moving quickly also helps you see results fast! Instead of organizing here a little, there a little, the transformation of your space will happen all in one go. It will shock your system and help you maintain momentum to keep your home tidy so you do not relapse into clutter.

I have worked with clients who have been able to complete their tidying festival in only a couple sessions with me! I have had other clients complete their festival in about a month. In my experience, clients that move quickly are much more likely to stay tidy in the long run.

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What is a Tidying Festival?