Ideal Lifestyle
Before beginning a tidying festival with my clients, I have them envision their ideal lifestyle. This is a very important part of the KonMari Method™ that some overlook. As part of this exercise I ask them questions such as:
What does your ideal home feel like?
What do you want your home to smell like? (Yes, seriously!)
How do you envision your morning routine?
How do you envision your evenings?
What hobbies or activities do you want to be able to enjoy during the day?
After they answer these questions I have them dig a little deeper to help them understand why they want these things. Sometimes I feel like my 3-year-old who has the habit of asking “why?” after everything I say, but, this activity can be really insightful. Each time they give an answer about their ideal lifestyle I ask them ”why?” again.
For example:
“I want my home to feel organized.”
“I want my home to feel organized so I can find things easily.”
“I want my home to feel organized so I can find things easily because I waste so much time looking for everything.”
“I want my home to feel organized so I can find things easily because I waste so much time looking or everything. I want to be able to gain that lost time back so I can have more peaceful mornings with my husband and children.”
After we get to the heart of the matter I ask my clients to record their ideas. Some people like to write their responses down in a journal. Some people prefer to create a vision board of images and words they love to represent their ideal lifestyle. Make it your own and spend time doing this before jumping into your tidying festival. The more specific the better!
Understanding what you want in life will help you make time for what is important to you. It will put you on the path to becoming a tidy person with joy surrounding you. While tidying, refer back to your ideal lifestyle often. This will help keep you motivated to finish your tidying festival and achieve your tidying goals.
If you are ready to achieve your ideal lifestyle, contact me and let’s do this together!